[Top 15] Mobile Legends Best Graphics Settings To Use (2025)

With a whopping 80,000,000 monthly player count, Mobile Legends is one of the most played MOBAs out there. The numbers are only growing, and for new players, the graphics settings is probably the most overlooked department in the game. If you know how to tweak those settings to your benefit, then you really have an edge over the other players.

Having the best graphics settings is absolutely crucial for a smooth victory. So fret not if you’ve toggled the wrong settings because provided below is a detailed guide on the best graphics settings you need to use in Mobile Legends.

15. Shadows


[Top 15] Mobile Legends Best Graphics Settings To Use (1)

Shadows prove to be an unnecessary burden on the game's overall performance. When you enable shadows, the only visible difference is that the heroes and battlefield will have, you guessed it, shadows! This adds more depth, and the game feels a little more immersive.

Unless you own a high-end device, turning on shadows isn’t recommended. Hence, it is last on our list.

How to set:

  • Tap Settings in the top right corner
  • In Basic Settings find Shadows
  • Turn it On

14. Outline


[Top 15] Mobile Legends Best Graphics Settings To Use (2)

Outlines are similar to shadows. This option serves little purpose aside from highlighting heroes and minions and causing unwanted lag.

But enabling this option is totally up to the player. If you believe you’re having a hard time distinguishing between the enemy heroes and minions, then this option is for you.

How to set:

  • Tap Settings in the top right corner
  • In Basic Settings find Outline
  • Turn it On

13. HD Mode


[Top 15] Mobile Legends Best Graphics Settings To Use (3)

If you have a low-end device, you should disable this option unless you want HD textures and an awful load of lag. Even if you do happen to have a device that can handle this feature, there will be situations where the game will lag, which will only lead to poor gameplay performance and angry teammates.

So, you should turn this on only if your device is capable of handling it.

How to set:

  • Tap Settings in the top right corner
  • In Basic Settings find HD Mode
  • Turn it On

12. Colorblind Filter

When it comes to competitive gaming, colorblind gamers may feel at a disadvantage. So kudos to Moonton for including this feature. The Colorblind Filter will change the color of the HP bar, making it more recognizable for colorblind gamers.

Turning this feature on will give colorblind players better recognition of the battlefield and an accurate display of their health bar. Now you can keep on bombarding the enemy team with everything in your arsenal!

How to set:

  • Tap Settings in the top right corner
  • In Basic Settings find Colorblind Filter
  • Turn it On

11. Merge Text


[Top 15] Mobile Legends Best Graphics Settings To Use (5)

Some heroes deal an insane amount of small damage continuously with their skills. Examples of such heroes are Harley with his second skill and Chang'e with her basic attack and ult. With this feature, such damage won’t show up individually, but it will be totalled out and merged together.

You don't need to be concerned because when enabled, this option only applies to the aforementioned heroes. Hence, you must have this on at all costs because reading individual damage can be a real pain!

However, it must be noted that the Merge Text setting is intertwined with the Damage Text setting. It will only take effect if both of these options are enabled.

How to set:

  • Tap Settings in the top right corner
  • In Basic Settings find Merge Text
  • Turn it On

10. Damage Text


[Top 15] Mobile Legends Best Graphics Settings To Use (6)

You want to know what type of blows you are trading with the enemy team. Whether it be true damage, passive damage, critical damage, or magic damage, this setting will solve your issue.

Turning Damage Text on will let you know the amount of damage that has been dealt and received. You will also know how much HP is regained from lifesteal or other HP regen effects. This gives you an advantage as you can easily counter the enemy heroes by determining the next item to choose.

How to set:

  • Tap settings in the top right corner
  • In Basic Settings find Damage Text
  • Turn it on

9. Hero Lock Mode


[Top 15] Mobile Legends Best Graphics Settings To Use (7)

Ever wondered why you’ve incurred the wrath of your fellow teammates? This happens when you're in a team fight and your basic attack or skill hits the enemy tank instead of the enemy damage dealer. As a result, you lose team fights that you could have easily won.

The hero lock mode is every enemy marksman's, mage's, and yes, even Sun's doppelgangers' worst nightmare! Ignoring this setting is the most rookie mistake one can make. When this setting is enabled, the player can easily pick out squishy heroes that deal the most damage in a teamfights by locking on to them.

How to set:

  • Tap Settings in the top right corner
  • In Control Settings find Hero Lock Mode
  • Turn it On

8. Aim Panning


[Top 15] Mobile Legends Best Graphics Settings To Use (8)

There are some heroes whose abilities extend past the limits of your screen. For example,Moskov’s ult that covers the entire map and the Flameshot spell. With the Aim Panning option, your screen will automatically pan in the direction you’re dragging those skills

This setting extends the visible range, providing more vision and better accuracy when aiming. Your hero with long range skills can now easily mark the enemy hero.

How to set:

  • Tap Settings in the top right corner
  • In Control Settings find Aim Panning
  • Turn it On

7. Aiming method


[Top 15] Mobile Legends Best Graphics Settings To Use (9)

Aiming is a big part of MOBAs. Because aiming determines whether or not you will hit an enemy unit. Mobile Legends offers 3 different ways to aim: Free Aim, Advanced Aim, and Lock-on Aim.

The Free Aim method is the default aiming method. This will directly hit the enemy unit and will prioritize heroes over turrets and minions. This can be a real pain! Particularly when destroying the enemy base or securing the Lord or Turtle, because your basic attack will always prioritize heroes.

As the name implies, Advanced Aim gives you more freedom when attacking. With this option, two additional buttons will be displayed to the left and right of the basic attack button. These are the Minion and Turret Attack Buttons. By using this option, you'll be able to attack any enemy unit you want.

Lock-on Aim is the most advanced of the three methods. It is mostly used by more seasoned players. It has the same layout as the Advanced Aim option, but replaces the Turret button with the Hero Attack button and allows you to switch between enemy units.

Of all three aiming methods, the Advanced Aiming option is the most commonly used one, and it is mostly recommended by pro players.

How to set:

  • Tap Settings in the top right corner
  • In Control Settings find Aim Method
  • Check Advanced Aim

6. Network Boost


[Top 15] Mobile Legends Best Graphics Settings To Use (10)

We all know how much high ping and unwanted spikes affect our gameplay, and this often leads to poor player performance and, eventually, defeat. If your ping is unstable, this is the option for you.

When you enable Network Boost, the game will use both Wi-Fi and cellular data to reduce latency. Although this will use more power and drain your battery faster, it’s a small price to pay for a smoother experience.

It's also worth noting that this option will only be available if both Wi-Fi and Cellular Data are turned on and only use this as a last resort if Speed Mode fails.

How to set:

  • Tap Settings in the top right corner
  • In Network Settings find Network Boost
  • Turn it On

5. Camera Height


[Top 15] Mobile Legends Best Graphics Settings To Use (11)

This is Moonton’s way of preventing you from wasting your money on a device with a wider view. This is the most basic setting, and it’s right there for you!

Turning the Camera Height Setting to High will instantly increase your field of view on the battlefield. An Increased field of view means better vision against the enemy, and vision is one of the most important factors in winning. It is truly an advantage over those who neglect it!

How to set:

  • Tap Settings in the top right corner
  • In Basic Settings find Camera Height
  • Turn it On

4. Refresh Rate


[Top 15] Mobile Legends Best Graphics Settings To Use (12)

A Higher Refresh Rate means more FPS and smoother gameplay. Of course, only if your device is capable of squeezing out those FPS and handling all the heat that comes with it.

Mobile Legends has four different Refresh Rates: Low (30 FPS), High (60 FPS), Ultra (90 FPS), and Ultra (120 FPS). Set this to the highest value possible as seen on your device, as on low-end devices, the highest option available is High (60 FPS). Low (30 FPS) is never recommended because the game will lag, which will put you at a disadvantage.

How to set:

  • Tap Settings in the top right corner
  • In Basic Settings find Refresh Rate
  • Check the highest possible option

3. Speed Mode


[Top 15] Mobile Legends Best Graphics Settings To Use (13)

Speed Mode is a similar feature to Network Boost. Unlike Network Boost, this mode doesn’t use both Wi-Fi and cellular data. Speed Mode makes the network connection more stable through increased data usage.

This is the best way to tackle unstable pings and spikes during the game, and it’s more useful than the network boost option.

Also, if you think that the game runs just fine without Speed Mode, then turn it off.

How to set:

  • Tap Settings in the top right corner
  • In Network Settings find Speed Mode
  • Turn it On

2. Graphics


[Top 15] Mobile Legends Best Graphics Settings To Use (14)

A general rule of thumb, as this doesn’t only apply to Mobile Legends but to every competitive game out there: keep the Graphics Quality as low as possible!

Although enabling this setting depends upon the specs of the device you’re using, lag frequently happens during team fights. And besides, the difference in Graphics Quality is not that extreme. So keeping this to Smooth is highly recommended.

How to set:

  • Tap Settings in the top right corner
  • In Basic Settings find Graphics
  • Check Smooth

1. Creep Hp


[Top 15] Mobile Legends Best Graphics Settings To Use (15)

The jungler, also known as the core, is one of the most important roles in the game. A single jungler can oftentimes decide the outcome of the match. This role relies on farming creeps that are found in jungle camps and ganking flanks whenever possible.

No jungler should miss out on the Creep HP setting. With this setting on, you will see the total HP of the jungle creeps. A thin red bar will also bedisplayed on the creep HP bar, which will show the perfect time to use the Retribution Spell.

With this you will not lag behind the enemy jungler because you will have faster rotations towardlanes, resulting in more Gold and XP. Moreover, securing Turtles and Lords will be nothing more than child's play.

How to set:

  • Tap Settings in the top right corner
  • In Basic Settings find Creep Hp
  • Turn it On

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[Top 15] Mobile Legends Best Graphics Settings To Use (2025)


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Name: Greg Kuvalis

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Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.